Records and Registration

The College is committed to providing accurate and secure management of student academic and workforce and professional development records. Student records consist of, but are not limited to, admission and demographic information, registration, student transcripts and graduation/class certification.

For a more detailed explanation of student educational records, refer to the Student Records section of our General Catalog.

Our offices are located on main campus in Hildebrand Hall, and at the Jim A. Richardson Complex.

Our staff is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of all student records as outlined in the Academic Policies and Continuing Education Units sections of the General Catalog. Furthermore, Western Piedmont Community College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 which provides students access to review their records and restricts the disclosure of such records without written permission from the student. Additional information regarding FERPA may be found at the U.S. Department of Education FERPA website.

Release of Student Information

In following the guidelines set forth by FERPA, Western Piedmont Community College is unable to release student records to any individual, including parents, without the written consent of the student. However, a Student Consent to Disclose Education Records form may be completed by the student. Please note that the student must personally appear with a photo ID to the Office of the Director of Records and Registration prior to signing the form, or must appear before a notary public.